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Director of IASA
Head of the Scientific Department of System Mathematics IASA

Kasyanov Pavlo (born August 21, 1982, Kyiv) is a mathematician. He earned his Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences degree in 2010 and became a professor in 2019. In 2024, he was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2016. Kasyanov graduated from Kyiv University in 2005, where he worked from 2006 to 2008. From 2010 to 2015, he headed the research laboratory of nonlinear analysis of differential-operator systems, and since 2015, he has been the director of the Institute of Applied System Analysis of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kyiv). His research interests include statistics, differential equations, and the theoretical foundations of informatics and cybernetics.

International Projects
Principal Investigator of the following projects supported by the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CENTER FOR RESEARCH, INC., USA: 12.2023-12.2024 Development of an integrated approach to high-throughput modeling of protein complexes, protein structure-function relationships, and prediction of the phenotypic effects of single amino acid variation based on the kinetic aspects of protein association in cellular environment (Agreement for Services No. BSA24078, registration number 0124U001308) 23.000 USD


Specialization Discipline
System Analysis and Control System Analysis of Stochastic Distributed Processes


Касьянов Павло Олегович
+38 (044) 204-84-79, +38 (044) 204-81-40
Mailing Address: 

Peremohy ave., 37, build. 35 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056