Educational and methodical materials on courses include:
- syllabi of academic courses and credit modules
- textbooks in accordance with the syllabi of educational courses and/or lecture notes
- recommendations to students on mastering the credit module
- plans of practical and seminar classes
- teaching aids for laboratory works
- educational content - didactic and demonstration materials for educational classes (tasks for practical classes, multimedia presentations, posters, layouts, models, computer programs, instructions, texts, handbooks, standards, albums, diagrams, video and audio recordings, etc., designed to support the educational process)
- options for individual semester tasks from the credit module and recommendations for their implementation (may be part of recommendations for students regarding the mastering of the credit module)
- topics of course projects/papers in academic courses
- teaching aids for course projects/works
- tools for evaluating the learning results (current control and semester control) from the credit module and evaluation criteria
- assignments for conducting comprehensive exams on educational courses and criteria for evaluating the level of student training for accreditation of the specialty, monitoring obtained knowledge and skills
- by decision of the department - educational and methodical materials for distance learning (automated educational systems: video lectures, electronic textbooks and workshops, virtual laboratory works, means for knowledge testing; methodical recommendations regarding the peculiarities of the organization of distance and mixed learning, etc.)
- temporary regulation on the organization of the educational process in Igor Sikorsky KPI
- methodical recommendations for creating syllabi of courses and credit modules
- provisions on the rating system for evaluating the results of student learning
- the layout of the examination ticket
- norms for evaluating the employees' ratings