The procedure for the approval is an official recognition of the compliance of educational materials with the requirements of educational standards, standards of Igor Sikorsky KPI, educational programs, and other regulatory documents regulating the content of education. An approval means that the educational material meets the established requirements, in particular, the content of the educational course program, its scope, and the appropriate structure. Rules and regulations:
DSTU 3017:2015 "Edition. The main types. Terms and definitions."
- DSTU 7157:2010 "Electronic editions. Basic types and information"
- DSTU 8302:2015 "Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of preparation"
- Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine No. 1060 dated October 1, 2012 "On approval of the Regulation on electronic educational resources"
- Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 486 dated 18.04.2014 "Some issues of cancellation of the procedure for providing educational literature for higher educational institutions by the Ministry of Education and Science"
- Decree of the rector No. 1-119 dated 07/12/2016 "On the implementation of the "Regulations on recognition of information resources of the distance learning system of NTUU "KPI" and their individual elements as educational and methodological works"
- Decree of Ior Sikorsky KPI "About the approval of the system of prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in Igor Sikorsky KPI"
- The procedure for providing approvals to educational materials at Igor Sikorsky KPI
- Procedure for consideration of manuscripts by the IASA Methodical Commission
- List and forms of documents for obtaining the approval for a textbook by the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI
- Examples of the design for the title and second pages of the study guide and textbook