Head of SAS Global Academic Program in Ukraine
+380-66-995-05-35 (Vodafone)
"SAS institute Ukraine, LLC" announces a yearly competition of scientific works which performed using SAS technologie.
The competition can be attended by students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers, as well as academic staff of Ukrainian state universities.
The following works could be admitted to the competition:
- Coursework, results of diploma, Ph.D. dissertation and scientific researchers, which were executed in state universities of Ukraine.
- Practical projects performed by students during an internship in state or commercial organizations.
- Projects executed during internship programs at SAS or partner companies on the client's territory.
- Submission of scientific work for participation in the competition - before 15 November 2018 year.
- Summing up - 1 December 2018 year.
- Announcement of results, presentation, rewarding ceremony - December 2018 year.
Analytics: mathematical statistics, data-mining, web-mining, data visualisation approaches;
Applied solutions for different areas: public safety, banking, insurance, retail, telecom, IT. Participants can offer their sphere of application SAS-technologies, subject to prior agreement with the competition leader.
Money Awards.
Following the results of the competition, cash prizes will be awarded.
According to the results of the previous competition in 2016, cash prizes were equal 4900 UAH. Which were obtained by 6 winners. By the link below, you could find scientific works of 2015 - 2018 years
Scientific papers are accepted electronically.
Work materials should be sent to the competition organizer, Ph.D. Oleksandr Terentiev:
• e-mail: o.terentiev@gmail.com
• mobile phone: +38 066 995 05 35 (Vodafone)
Requirements for scientific papers:
- For competition is allowed works performed using SAS technologies, access to which is obtained legally or with the help of software SAS on Demand.
- Work should have a practical or theoretical worth.
- If the work is performed by a team of authors, the contribution of the contestant in it should be significant, while other co-authors must confirm their consent to nominate a contestant as a representative of the entire team.
Each scientific paper will evaluate by the competition jury.
The staff of the jury is: the heads of the business divisions of SAS Ukraine LLC and the head of the Global Academic Program SAS.
Application for submission have to include:
- Information about the participant: Name Surname, university, department, student / graduate student / PhD / Prof. / scientist / teacher.
- Scientific paper.
The work should not exceed 12 pages of the text written using Times New Roman fonts, size 12, with a single line spacing, alignment of the text in width.
Work can be done in the following languages - English, Ukrainian and Russian.
Work must contain the following items.
- The title of the work, the name of the author (s), the full name of the institution.
- Abstract. Short description of paper. Maximal size - 0,5 page.
- Introduction. Volume up to 1 page. It must include a statement of the problem and a description of the problem under consideration.
- Main part. It may consist of several items. Theoretical and practical calculations, program codes should be presented in a sufficient amount to understand the proposed solution to this task or problem. The results should be accompanied by tables and charts.
- Conclusions.
- Contact Information. Name and surname of the author or authors, full name of the institution, department, postal address of the university, e-mail of author (s)
The scientific papers submitted for the competition of scientific works in 2016.
The scientific papers submitted for the competition of scientific works in 2017.
The scientific papers submitted for the competition of scientific works in 2018.
Examples of international SAS works can be found at support.sas.com under the link: