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Code Discipline ECTS Lecturer Semesters Exam Test
7/I Functional Analysis 4.0 5 5
2/II Numerical Methods 6.5 4, 5 4 5
3/II Optimization Methods and Operations Research 6.5 5, 6 5 6D
6/II Economics and Organization of Production 4.0 5, 6 5, 6
1/III Organization of Databases and Knowledge 7.5 5, 6 6 5
6/IV Socio-Humanitarian Discipline of Any Orientation №1 2.0 5 5
9/IV Foreign Language of Professional Direction 4.0 5, 6, 7 6, 7D
5/c Mathematical Physics Equations 4.0 5 5
3/cв Applied Statistics 4.5 5 5D
4/cв Micro- and Macroeconomic Systems 3.0 5 5